Key Tips to Boost Your Productivity daily

It is a common phrase that “Productivity is key to success.”  Franz Kafka, a famous writer, defines productivity as “Being productive is the ability to do things you’ve never been able to do before.” Richard Branson is a productive entrepreneur who has established over 400 businesses. This well-known figure not only speaks the talk but also does the action!

Every day, we all want to stay as busy as possible. Most of us are not entirely productive with our time. Being ‘busy’ and ‘productive’ are two very different things. The key to success is to be productive. Therefore, you evaluate success in financial benefits. For example in form of money, higher sales, and overall business expansion.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation for Productivity

There are some question that comes to mind while discussing one’s thoughts on productivity. For instance, why there is a need to increase productivity. There are two sorts of motivation to boost an individual’s productivity: intrinsic and extrinsic.

If a person strives to boost their productivity just for having fun or being passionate about a specific work, which eventually leads to satisfaction after completion, such drive is “intrinsic.”

The term “extrinsic” indicates the motivation for performing well and is based on external benefits. On the other hand, external incentives use the reason for performing well depending on external benefits.

There are several methods and sources of motivation for increasing productivity. The trick, though, is choosing the pathway that will finally give you the desired goal.

Synchronize Your Personal and Professional Objectives

Aligning your personal and professional goals is the first step toward genuine achievement. There are two basic methods for accomplishing this:

  1. Pursue professional objectives that are closely related to your beliefs. You’ll be a lot happier and more driven if you work for a couple that shares your values and initiatives. It allows you to make a significant contribution.
  2. Involve your teammates in achieving your objectives. There are chances to enhance your productivity. If at least a few of your employees share your hobbies, and connecting with them is a strong strategy. In addition, people who have excellent relationships at work are several times more likely to get more done, according to the Harvard Business Review.

Integrate Your Objectives into Your Productivity System

Dr. Jim Taylor, a psychology researcher, discovered that the only way to be content with your professional accomplishment is to pursue activities that allow you to act on your interests and values at the same time.

Suppose you don’t presently utilize a productivity system and feel like you’re working at near-maximum capacity by focusing entirely on professional tasks. In that case, you might want to start using one when you incorporate personal goals into your routine.

5 Essentials to Maximize Personal Productivity

Here are five ways to increase your productivity

1. Obtain

During the day, add any tasks that occur to your mind to a to-do list app. In this case, you don’t skip anything.

2. Make it clear

Daily go through your list and cross out items that don’t match your priorities. Schedule time on your calendar to execute the rest.

3. Arrange

Make lists for different sorts of duties, such as family, long-term job projects, one-time work commitments, house maintenance/improvements, etc. Then, put all of the tasks on your to-do list. By doing this you will get an orderly perspective of everything you need to get done.

4. Consider

Review your lists regularly to eliminate chores that aren’t required. Assign duties that are but don’t demand your authority or knowledge. Clarify confusing things, so you always know what you need to complete.

5. Participate

Finally, concentrate on completing tasks. You should stick to all of the time blocks you’ve set in your schedule. Complete any remaining items on your to-do list in your spare time.


With improved motivation and ongoing training and skill development, it is possible to enhance production significantly. Being ahead of schedule and finishing the essential job is always satisfying. Since it speaks volumes about one’s ability to perform effectively and work efficiently. Therefore, increased production is always desirable, whether in economics or the real world. So, regardless of degree, everyone should strive to improve their productivity, whether on an individual or institutional level, because productivity is key to success!

You can also take a look at our informative blog: Struggle before success

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