7 Ways to identify a leader among your team

7 Ways to Identify a leader among your team

To maintain a competitive edge in the market and for sustainable development, the company needs to develop a leader who can take initiative, embrace challenges and lead the organization to exemplary growth and progress.

Also read: What Traits Does a Leader Hold?

Why it is important?

The success of the company is entirely dependent upon a leader as he is the front-line person behind making all the vital decisions and strategies. Let’s take a popular example of Tim Cook the CEO of Apple Inc. to demonstrate what an exceptional leader can do for his company. He joined Apple Inc. as senior vice president in 1998. With his outstanding leadership skills, he contributed many accomplishments to the company and in a very short time, he become the CEO of Apple Inc. The tactic he used to rule over the business world is sound leadership.

7 ways to identify a leader among your team

As a manager, you just need to identify those individuals having a strong leadership spark, abilities, and traits associated with being an exemplary leader. This blog tells you about the following qualities that provide the basis to identify the leader in the workplace.

1# Independent development

The best way to measure leadership spirit in your employee is to judge their contribution to the organization. Independent development means how the person approaches his role and how critically he analyzes the given situation. He is always enthusiastic and eager to learn something. If a person has such qualities he can lead his company.

2# Strong commitment to their work

One of the most important traits of a leader is to show a strong commitment to their work. They may show their involvement by asking the question and giving multiple suggestions when they are presented with some problem or challenge. A potential leader doesn’t take his work as a mere task but his main goal is to always learn something new.

3# Accountability

Employees who take themselves answerable for their failures, and show responsibility for their actions are identified as good leaders.  Some people always rely on others and avoid taking responsibility for their actions just because they may account for failure. Such people never grow in their life.

4# Effective multitasking

One of the best ways to identify a leader is to give your employee additional responsibilities and observe how he responds to receiving more work and how well he can manage the extra task simultaneously without comprising the quality of work.  If he can sustain the work overload or not? Because a good leader is always a multitasker, dealing multiple commitments side by side.

5# Optimistic behavior

A positive brain influences growth and productivity. The optimistic leader encourages his team to always look at the brighter side of the picture. He even sees his failure as an opportunity for learning so that in the future they will not have to repeat the same mistake. Optimistic leaders don’t blame others for their mistakes rather they use failure as a motivation to succeed in the future.

6# Active listener

A good speaker is always a good listener. A leader must listen to his employees and consider their suggestions on the current issue. If he is not a good listener he will never understand what his staff demands from him. As active listeners employees can easily build trust with their coworkers, build confidence in them, and are least involved in the conflict in the workplace.

7# Introspection

The best leader is good at self-analysis. They are well aware of their inadequacies and always analyze how they could become a better version of themselves. If a person is not capable of self-examination, he is unable to effectively critique others. Positive or constructive criticism is important for personal development. Therefore, characteristics such as self-awareness and introspection must be present in a future leader.

Closing thoughts

A leader is not merely a person but the backbone of a successful organization. Therefore you must discover a leader among your team because the sooner you identify your leader the more advantageous it would be. As you have enough opportunities to groom your future leader. The surety of your business continuity and sustainability tomorrow is directly associated with the recognition of a trustworthy leader today.

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