Remote Working A Review of Pros and Cons

Remote Working: A Review of Pros and Cons

Remote working

Remote working is a type of job, in which employees don’t need to go to some office building, warehouse, or some central place to do their assigned task. Rather remote working enables them to they do their assigned task at home, or at any other place of their own convenience. The remote workers just need to have mobiles, computers and internet, and skill to use these things.

Remote working is also called teleworking, working from home, online working, working from anywhere, remote job, and virtual working.

 Evolution of Remote Working

In old times remote working was very common. As technical people like carpenters, goldsmiths, blacksmiths, cobblers, barbers, etc used to work at their homes and they sold their products to markets. Then machines and factories were made to increase the product and people started working there. It remained in practice till the start of the age of the computers. Although computers and technology revolutionized the whole world and it changed all primitive methods of working but remote working flourished most during COVID times.

Future Perspective of Remote Working

Alexis Chennian Reddit said,

Remote working is the future of the work.

 During the pandemic time, many businesses shifted to remote models to ensure social distance and follow the restrictions imposed by governments. But now, when post COVID surveys are being conducted all over the world to check the effectiveness of remote working, surprisingly the results of surveys are very encouraging. Most of the companies, which switched to remote working, have shown growth and increase in profitability.

Hence in the future, we can expect that most companies will be shifting to hybrid models instead of only hiring local office employees.

Pros of Remote Working

1. Better Work and Life Balance

Remote work gives employees an opportunity people having domestic liabilities to keep a balance between work and life. People having responsibilities of caring for kids or parents can manage remote work easily. People can work at times of their own convenience.

2. Commuting Time and Cost Saving

Remote working saves time and money as people don’t have to go to offices after spending hours traveling and paying fares.

3. Remote Working is Helpful for People With Disabilities and Environment Friendly

People with disabilities can also earn by remote working as they don’t have to commute to central place. Remote working is more environment friendly and reduces pollution because people don’t need to travel.

4. Remote Working is More Productive With No Geographical Limitations

Most competent people can be hired as employers can hire anyone from anywhere and there are no restrictions of borders therefore most talented people can be hired. Surveys have proved that remote working is more productive because employees spend traveling time working. Moreover they don’t get tired due to traveling.

5. Remote Working Increases Profitability of Employer and Employee Gives More Autonomy

Remote working increase the profitability of both employer and employee as the employer needs to spend less money on providing infrastructure facilities to employees and employees save their commuting cost and time. Employees can work with peace of mind and they don’t get distracted and interrupted by management.

6. Employees can Customize their Work

Employees can customize their working hours and working place. Employers don’t need to provide huge parking spaces to the employees.

Cons of Remote Working

1. No Policies Made Yet

Remote working started accidentally and in a haste due to the breakout of a global pandemic, due to this till now no policies have been made for the protection of the rights of employers and employees.

2. Domestic Distractions Effect Remote Working

Sometimes people get distracted from their remote work due to domestic engagements.

3. No Team Spirit Due to Lack of Communication between Employee and Employer 

As there is no physical meeting between employee and employer sometimes miscommunications can take place. In remote work as there is no peer-to-peer physical connection so it is very hard to develop a team spirit.

4. Availability of New Technology is Mandatory For Remote Working

New technologies are not available everywhere in the world. Developed countries are far well equipped as compared to underdeveloped countries.

5. Remote Working is Difficult to Monitor

It is difficult to supervise and monitor remote work and it is difficult to arrange meetings with employees living in different time zones simultaneously.

6. Utility Bills Burden on Employees

There is an extra burden of utility bills of electricity internet etc on employees as no policies have been made for preserving the rights of remote workers.


There are advantages as well as disadvantages to remote working. In the future, we can expect a hybrid model by the companies where some employees will work in offices and some will accomplish their tasks online. But it is mandatory to make laws and policies for the benefit of remote working employees and employers.

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