How to deal with a team older than you? Golden tips

Have you ever been appointed as a manager of a team older than you? Have you ever faced difficulties in handling a team older than you? It is natural that at first, you encounter difficulties, but over time you try to manage things accordingly. 

According to a survey done by staffing firm OfficeTeam, 91% of people responded that they will be comfortable working with a younger manager. It means that if you deal with the older team appropriately, they will cooperate too.

This article will explore different tips beneficial for young managers to lead a team older age.

Try To be Humble

Never try to be arrogant. Humbly deal with the team. Although you have been assigned a higher position, handling your team arrogantly will frustrate them. Furthermore, it will make the people who have worked for a longer time hypersensitive if you show the power.

Listen to your Team

You must try to develop active listening skills. This will help the team build trust in you, and they will start feeling more worthy. It will make it easy for the team to accept a young manager as their boss. This tip will help you have good relations with your team, and you will be able to solve particular problems by utilizing the experience of your older team members.

Way of communication

You must know how to communicate with your team. People older might not like to start talking about the tasks directly. However, they might like to start on a lighter note to talk about the weather, their children, or something like that. One more thing should be kept in mind: you should never expect your team to be active 24/7. Give them some time for relaxation.

Learn from your team

As you are leading a team older than you, try not to lose the golden opportunity of learning from their experiences. This will help you build up leadership and management skills, and their experience will help you get out of trouble easily. This will also make your team feel that you appreciate their expertise.

Build good relationships with your team

Build good relationships with the members of your team, especially the ones older in age. Give them respect; as a result it will help them accept you as a leader. Always acknowledge the hard work of your team members. Don’t feel reluctant to appreciate them when necessary.

Bring the change slowly 

If you want to bring some changes to the existing policies, do not be hasty in doing so. If you make quick decisions of making some changes, it will offend the older team members. Ask the perspective of your team members, and try to provide them with the necessary details associated with that change.


In short, if you want to be a good manager of a team older than you. Give them respect, take their opinions, and make them feel comfortable with your behavior. Try to build a friendly relationship with them. Always give your employees some space this will help them to build trust in you.

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